CCPC is a Christian, humanitarian community resource center that helps improve the lives of people and communities through meeting immediate and basic needs, serving as a leading networker of community resources, offering counseling and care support, and giving hope to those we serve.
Focusing primarily on the population centers of Summit and Wasatch counties, CCPC serves all people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender. We require no membership, dues, or compliance with our faith traditions to be served by our programs and resources.

Our Vision
A community where every person is met at their point of need.
Our Mission
Meeting people at their point of need as an expression of God’s love.
CCPC's Core Values
Conduct that is consistent and morally upright. A person who lives out what they say and tries to treat everyone fairly and equally.
Servant's Heart
Being willing to serve all people with humility and compassion in order to help meet people's needs. Trying not to judge but showing empathy; being there when someone is hurting; trying to understand someone; listening.
Working well with others; carrying out assigned tasks; delegating when appropriate; mentoring; helping out those who are overworked; speaking honestly in love; receiving feedback without being defensive.
Respect & Dignity
Treat all people with respect and dignity, recognizing their God-given value.
Prayer of Dedication
CCPC's Building Dedication Ceremony
We are a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that partners with other nonprofits, government agencies, businesses, churches, interfaith councils, and individuals in order to meet the needs of our community. We fund our programs through contributions given by individuals, foundations, and grants. If you would like to support CCPC, please use the “Donate” button. Checks should be made to “Christian Center of Park City” and sent to our P.O. box (see full address in the footer). All donations and financial gifts are fully tax-deductible. We thank you in advance for your generous donation!
You can find links to our 990, financial policies, our Charity Navigator 4-Star Certificate, and more on our Financial Accountability page.
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