Providing Community & Family Resources
Using a wraparound philosophy, our BNA Manager and BNA Navigators meet one on one with individuals to assess their greatest needs. When more extensive, ongoing help is required, we are able to provide wraparound services, connecting people to community resources and advocating for them when needed.
Basic Needs Assistance
All services require an online application.
Our Basic Needs Assistance program focuses on assisting families and individuals who are in need of food and clothing and may be facing financial hardship. Beyond meeting immediate needs, we may be able to provide financial assistance. If we are unable to provide assistance, we help connect applicants to other community providers and resources.
Basic Needs Assistance is for residents of Summit and Wasatch Counties only. First-time applicants have priority for receiving services. Please note that we are unable to provide housing. If you are in need of permanent housing please visit Mountainlands Community Housing Trust.
Assistance for Families & Community Members in Need
All assistance options are discerned by our BNA Navigators, who meet individually with every applicant to determine the most effective and helpful form of care. We are dedicated to a holistic approach so we can best address underlying issues and provide each person with the resources and services they need.
Any financial assistance may take up to one week for approval. Funds are never offered the day they are requested and they are never distributed directly to the individual requesting assistance.
Food Assistance Programs
Every day, people from all walks of life come to CCPC seeking help with one of the most basic aspects of life: food! It is our goal to provide food assistance to anyone experiencing food insecurity in Summit and Wasatch counties.
Our food pantries are just one of the ways we fight hunger and food insecurity. Community partners and dedicated individuals help us reach out to the community to provide relief for local households.

Basic Needs Services
For individuals who may need more extensive support, our team determines the best path of care. Below is a brief description of what we provide and our protocol.
Meet Our Team

Nonprofit & Government Resources

Housing Resources

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