You Fed Us…
Here is a letter that was sent to us this week from a family who received food from us.
You fed us, yes, but you also nourished us, nourished our souls. My family and I picked up our boxes of food from the Christian Center after losing our jobs due to COVID19. We wish we could have been out of state with our elderly parents, but alas…My husband and I stood back and marveled at the bounty of food and realized we had luckily, randomly received the exact ingredients that make up Grandma’s legendary meal which was the nostalgic favorite when I was growing up. That night I cooked the delicious, nutritious meal and took photos and sent the photos to Grandma and Grandpa of their grandkids sitting at the dining room table enjoying it. It was as though we were all together in the kitchen, cooking and at the table eating… together. Voila! You fed us, yes, but you also nourished us, nourished our souls. Thank you.
We want to say to all of you in Park City, Heber Valley and our two-county area: you are the reason we are able to provide food for those in need during these incredibly challenging times. On behalf of this family and all of the families we have served: THANK YOU!
Update on Numbers Served
Here is a quick update as to how many people we are serving through our food pantry and basic needs assistance program.
Feeding People Through Our Food Pantry
This week:
- 923 total individuals served (Park City 1395, Heber 606)
- 240 total households served with food
- 20 cats/dogs served 😀
For the last three weeks:
- 2,924 total individuals served (Park City 1395, Heber 606)
- 793 total households served with food
- 81 cats/dogs served 😀
Providing Basic Needs Assistance
We’ve had over 520 families sign up for Basic Needs Assistance, through which we’re able to provide assistance with rent and medical, power and utility bills. The majority of these are Spanish-speaking members of our community.
For This Week
Both CCPC campuses will continue to be closed; however, our food pantries will continue to remain open, as will our counseling services via telehealth (by appointment only).
CCPC continuará operando los bancos de comida de Park City y Heber durante horas de trabajo, mientras continue la actual crisis.
Counseling Services
We will continue providing our counseling services.
We are offering two free sessions to new clients from now until May 1st. Our counselors are ready and waiting to help you with your mental health needs. All of our sessions are done through Telehealth.
Please contact Heather Ledbetter, our Counseling Center Administrator, who will be available to take calls, answer questions and assist in getting you scheduled, during regular business hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
435-649-2260 ext. 1
If you find yourself in crisis, please call 833-995-1295 or go to the Park City Hospital, the Heber Valley Hospital or the Access Center at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake.
We will also be providing some resources, tips and suggestions as to how you can maintain your mental health and wellness during this time.
Please check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to access these video and written resources. Find out more information here.
How You Can Support Those Most Impacted by This Outbreak
Basic Needs Assistance Fund
This fund allows us to help people with things like covering rent for a month, utility bills, medical costs, power bills, etc. Please consider donating by selecting “Basic Needs Assistance” on our donation page.
Food Pantry
Please consider donating to our Park City and Heber Valley food pantries as we continue to support families in our community with groceries every week. Select “Food Pantry” on our donation page to help us purchase food for our neighbors.
Easter Basket Outreach
Due to safety and health concerns, our typical Easter Basket Outreach was put on hold.
However, a wonderfully generous friend of CCPC came through and donated enough money for us to purchase over 240 Easter baskets so that we could include these in our “Grab and Go” food pantry packages. How cool is that?
CCPC in the News
We want to thank our local media for helping us get the word out about all that we are doing, so people know how to access our resources. Here are a couple of updates you can watch and listen to in case you missed them.
Thank you Renai and Leslie!
CCPC in the Park Record
Thank you Scott Iwasaki!
Special COVID-19 Podcast
Our Executive Director had the opportunity to interview several key nonprofit leaders from around the country in order to find out how things were going in their respective communities and most importantly, how they were finding hope in the midst of these challenging times.
From all of us at CCPC, be safe and be well!

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