There is one happy, holiday tradition that we may all have in common… the wonderful, festive food and drink we enjoy and share with family and friends!
This year, however, may be a bit different in our current, COVID environment with fewer large gatherings and more time spent at home with our immediate family or roommates.
Whether attending parties or not, this may not stop us from overindulging with all our seasonal favorites! I personally look forward to everything pumpkin this time of the year… especially pumpkin pie! (Please enjoy my favorite Creamy Pumpkin Pie Bar recipe!)
I also crave my mom’s Thanksgiving stuffing and make sure there are leftovers to enjoy for days following. I’m sure you have many recipes you look forward to making and savoring as well.
Here are some things I personally do to curtail overindulging, but still enjoy the best of the holidays.
1. Don’t skip meals.
Starving yourself for that special treat gives rise to overeating when the time comes. The thought may arise that “I am hungry and I can eat as much as I want.” The problem with this thinking is, you are missing out on vital nutrients that your body is really craving and therefore, eating more of the wrong foods that never truly satisfy.

2. Beware of ‘stress’ eating.
With all the merriment-filled days, comes all the eating, drinking, and family gatherings which may seem endless. Often too often, normal sleep and stress management routines take a back seat.
If you find yourself eating without being hungry, you may be ‘stress’ eating. Check-in with yourself, take a break and refocus on what you really need. It could be as simple as a full glass of water or a cup of soothing, herbal tea, or even a walk around the neighborhood.
3. Don’t delay your physical activity because of a demanding schedule.

If your exercise routine is too long or tedious, chances are you will skip it during the holidays when you’re overbooked and have too many things to do. During this busy time, try new ways to move you body, that sound fun to you, and keep you from staying stressed and sedentary.
4. Keep the balance and don’t procrastinate healthy eating until the New Year.
You may try to convince yourself that all of these delicious treats are only for a short season. That attitude can set you up for an all-or-nothing gorge-fest on treats during the holiday season, with plans to abstain next year.
5. Forgive yourself (and your mother) for any diet slip-ups.
Don’t beat yourself up if you eat a little more than you intended one day. It happens to the best of us! Instead of feeling down about it, let it go quickly and get right back on track. Your mother means well offering that extra piece of pie!
This year, I encourage you to take a different approach when it comes to the holidays and food. Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite, seasonal foods and doing so, will allow you to keep your health and sanity in check!
I would love to support you in your wellness journey. Learn more about my health coaching services here .
Wishing you a healthy holiday season,
Nancy Angle, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
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